Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cover Oregon Releases New Online Ads

This week, Oregon's new marketplace, Cover Oregon unveiled 3 new health insurance ads to help promote awareness for their upcoming open enrollment, which begins in just 35 days. Each ad focuses briefly on comparing, coverage options, and savings. What do you think of online ads to help promote and educate consumers on the upcoming health insurance marketplace?

Want to learn more about the future of the marketplace? At IIR's HIX Reloaded, we'll help you shape your strategy for the ever evolving marketplace. Crowdsource the agenda by voting on what you need to know to ensure success when coverage starts on January 1, 2014.

To learn more, download our agenda. As a reader of this blog you'll receive 15% off the standard rate when you use code XP1810BLOG to register. We hope to see you November 14-16 in Baltimore, MD!

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