Monday, May 9, 2011

Should states continue to move towards Managed Care programs for Medicaid?

With 16 million people expected to be eligible under the new healthcare law, state governors are looking for a way to properly finance their Medicaid programs. Many are looking at Managed Care as the answer. Managed care programs will set up an established network of providers for the enrollees to use with set reimbursement rates to those doctors, hospitals and nursing homes enrolled.

However, hospitals, doctors and nursing homes are concerned with these new programs. For doctors and hospitals, the main fears are lose of local control and a decrease in significant amounts of money due to the patients they have to continue to treat but who are unable to pay for their procedures. But for the enrollees, the Managed Care Network provides access to hospitals and physicians who strive to provide the best preventative and primary care. These measures reduce the overall cost of healthcare in the first place.

What are some of the benefits for doctors and hospitals to be included in a Managed Care Programs?


The 19th Annual Medicaid Managed Care Congress takes place next week in Baltimore, Maryland.  Join other states and Medicaid Managed Care experts to help you catch up with the industry as well as gather knowledge to create a managed care program for your state.  Download the brochure here for more information and register to join us today!

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