AARP * Aetna Inc * Alabama Insurance Department * American Specialty Health * Amerigroup Corporation * Ameri-Plus Select Services * Arcadian Health Plan & Management Services * Arnold & Porter * Balboa Nephrology Medical Group * Barclays Capital * BCBS of Minnesota * Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee * Boehringer Ingelheim * California Association of Physicians Group * Capital District Physicians Health Plan * Care 1st Health Plan * Care N Care Health Plan * Caremore * Clarian Health Plans * DCA Solutions * DCIPA * Deft Research * Dendreon Corporation * Dial America * DMW Direct * Dynamic Healthcare Systems * Endo Pharmaceuticals * Essence Health Care * Essex Woodland * Express Scripts Inc * Family Health Plans * Firstsource * Forest Laboratories Inc * Fresenius Medical Care * Geisinger Health Systems * GemCare Health Plan * Gorman Health Group * Group Health Cooperative * Health Alliance Medical Plans * Health Data Essentials * Healthcare Partners * HealthMetrix Research Inc * HealthNet Government Programs * HealthPlan CRM * HealthSpring * Healthways Inc * Henry Ford Health System * HMS Permedion * Humana * Independence Blue Cross * Inspiris * Inter Valley Health Plan * Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado * Kaiser Permanente * Leprechaun * Marketing Direct Inc * Matrix Medical Network * Medagate Corporation * MedAssurant * MVP Health Care * North Texas Specialty Physicians * Old Surety Life Insurance Company * Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting * Peak Health Solutions * PopHealthMan * Preferred Care Partners * Quest Diagnostics * SCAN Health Plan Arizona * Sharp Health Plan * Silverlink Communications * South Shore * Sterling Life Insurance Company * Texas HealthSpring * The Bright Sight Group * The Harry Walker Agency * The Kaiser Family Foundation * The National Advisory Board on Improving Health Care Services for Seniors and People with Sisabilities* The Permanente Federation * Thoroughbred Research Group * TMG Health * TriZetto Group * Tucson Medical Centre * UMWA Health & Retirement Funds * United American * United Community Health Plans * United Health Care * Univita Health * UPMC Health Plan Inc * Varis * Visiting Nurse Service of New York * VNS Choice Medicare * Wilen Direct
Visit the webpage to learn more about this year’s agenda, and register today to join us in Scottsdale January 24-26, 2011!
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