If I were to ask a Government Programs (GP) Professional “what’s on your mind?” I am pretty sure I would get an earful!
We are all pretty busy, facing significant challenges now while also trying to be prepared for the changes that will come with the CMS AMP Final Rule and HRSA’s Mega Rule. We have a lot to talk about, and the Advanced GP Forum is a great place to do it.
Over the last six years the Advanced GP Forum has become a must-attend event for anyone seeking in-depth, comprehensive examination of current and complex GP issues. The Advanced Forum breaks away from traditional presentations and provides insights from your peers in an open forum. As you know, there is a lot of gray area when it comes to guidance, yet the bar for compliance is set pretty high. That is why so many of you come to GP Summit and attend sessions like the Advanced GP Forum. It helps to promote dialog with your peers and understand the issues and how industry is dealing with them.
Myself and Erika Scholl from CIS facilitate the discussion, posing topics and questions to the panel, as well as seeking input from the audience. Some of the topics we will be discussing include:
• Shifts in the Payer mix with MMCO and HCX, and the expansion of Medicaid
• Medicaid and Medicare: An Overview of Healthcare Reform Impacts on Accruals and Liability
• Key components of the Final Rule and performing company specific Fiscal Impact analyses
• Key methodology topics across the programs
• Bona Fide Service Fee evaluations
• 340B Program Integrity initiatives, including manufacturer audits
• GP systems assessment and audit to validate the integrity of the calculations, both historical and prospective under the Final Rule
Panelists for this year’s Forum include:
Tom Evegan, Senior Director, Commercial Contracting, CIS
Sharon Greeson, R.Ph., Strategic Consultant, Government Pricing and Programs and CIS State Medicaid Initiative leader
Jennifer Norton, Senior Director, Pricing & Contract Administration - Managed Markets, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sabrina Yohai, Senior Corporate Counsel, Pfizer Inc.
Michael Hepburn, Sr. Director, Government Contract Compliance, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Paula Martins, Director, Contract Operations, Daiichi Sankyo
We in the industry take pride in the label “GP Geek.” We enjoy what we do, and we appreciate the opportunity to be with our fellow GP Geeks to discuss our shared challenges (as you know, there are not too many people who understand what we do!) We hope to see you there!
To hear more from Chris and CIS, join us for IIR's 6th Annual Government Programs Summit taking place March 26-28, 2014 in Alexandria, VA. Register with code GPBLOG25 and save 25%, offer ends 3/13 at midnight! To learn more, download our brochure. We hope to see you in a few weeks!
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