Our live coverage from IIR's 6th Annual Government Programs Summit has been provided by Katie Lapins, Director, Huron Consulting Group and Lori Greene, Manager, Huron Consulting Group .

Each year, the GP Summit provides a unique opportunity for
manufacturers to have an informal discussion on the latest “hot” topics and
that was covered by the second track.
This year, some of the topics included the potential impact changes
associated with the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), the recent PHS/340B Program
developments, and bona fide service
fee assessments. Manufacturers have been
waiting for four years for a Final Rule associated with the ACA and the impact
of potential changes, especially those that were included in the Proposed Rule,
were reviewed and discussed. This
session used a panel format and was very interactive with the audience,
allowing for interesting discussions about important topics including the “build
up” methodology, “5I” product determination/methodology, audits/assessments, and
fair market value when evaluating payments to customers.
Both tracks provided great learning opportunities for
participants at all levels and if they are an indicator as to what to expect
over the next two days, we’re in for a great conference!
Stay tuned for more highlights from day 1!
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