There are a lot of people who are right on the border of qualifying for Medicaid, and there are a lot of questions about how they will manage people who may "churn" between Medicaid and Exchanges. For example, what if some weeks you work overtime and dont qualify for Medicaid and sometimes you don't work overtime and are eligible for Medicaid? They need to figure out a way to ensure continuous care--ideally, people could keep their same doctors so the care is continuous if they churn between medicaid and healthcare purchased through exchanges. Also, some states are looking to have Medicaid offered through the same channel as Exchanges. I dont know if everyone is doing it, but ideally you would plug in your personal information and if you're eligible for Medicaid you could enroll in it through there.
Medicaid Managed Care Congress' Panel Discussion
Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchange Integration with a moderator from United Healthcare and representatives from Massachusetts, Michigan and Rhode Island will address these factors and more. For more on the
Medicaid Manged Care Congress taking place April 30-May 2, 2012, in Baltimore, Maryland,
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John Kaelin, SVP, Health Reform, UnitedHealth |
Featured Session: Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchange Integration
Featured Participants:
- - Moderator: John Kaelin, Senior Vice President, Health Reform, UnitedHealth Group
- - Julian J. Harris, MD, MBA, MSc, Medicaid Director, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Massachusetts
- - Amy Allen, Healthcare Reform Planning Director, Department of Community Health, Michigan
- - Deborah Florio, Administrator, Center for Child & Family Health,Rhode Island Department of Human Services
About the session: Health Insurance Exchanges are a huge part of the ACA, and Medicaid’s integration with them varies by states. With a fast approaching 2013 deadline, states are scrambling to create regulations and guidance for plans. With approximately 80% of Exchange participants expecting to receive some sort of subsidy, Medicaid plans need to know how Exchanges will affect their current offerings. In this session, you’ll learn from states that are in various stages of creating Exchanges.
- • Compare and contrast Medicaid enrollees and potential Exchange enrollees
- • Identify how your plan will need to change to better serve additional members
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