Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Florida Governor Refusing Healthcare Dollars

Florida Governor Rick Scott doesn't believe that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional.  Therefore, taking steps to share this with the rest of the 49 states, he has refused to accept any of the federal money being given to states that help them transition into the Affordable Care Act and the Healthcare Insurance Exchange by 2014.  The governor has even gone as far as to refuse any of the grants available to the state.  One of Gov Scott's main arguments with the law is that the Affordable Care Act isn't compatible with Florida and will ultimately create payment burdens that his citizens cannot afford.  According to the New York Times, They are reviewing each grant for Medicaid on a grant-by-grant basis to make sure it fits the needs of their state.

While the Gov. Scott believes this, many  lawmakers in his state disagree including Representative Kathy Castor, a Democratic Representative from Tampa Bay. She stated, “It’s simply unconscionable that they’re turning back federal tax dollars that our citizens and businesses pay and sending those tax dollars to other states. Florida’s economy has been hit very hard, and we need every dollar and every job in our state.”

At the Healthcare Insurance Exchange Congress this November, Healthcare professionals from around the United States will gather to debate the pros and cons of healthcare exchanges, lead by Andrew Berenato, Director of Government & Corporate Relations, Southern Region, AmeriHealth Mercy. For more information on the speakers and presentations at the Health Insurance Exchange Congress, download the brochure.

Do you think that turning down federal funding is in the best interest of Floridians?

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