Is Medicaid extension really feasible?
Grace-Marie: I just think that it’s going to be very difficult to convince those other states that have resisted so far because more and more evidence is coming down to show that expanding Medicaid as a traditional program as it is currently structured is real harmful to people. And it’s really harmful to the most vulnerable citizens who are on Medicaid today. If people have many chronic conditions, many of them have no place else to go. They are basically not insurable in the private marketplace. If they are under 100 or 138% of poverty, Medicaid really is their only option. As a result, you wind up with more people competing for the same limited number of doctors who will see Medicaid patients and making it even more difficult for people on Medicaid today to find a doctor to see them.
I had a father write to me recently who has a daughter who is on Medicaid – many chronic conditions and in a wheelchair. He said: “It takes me sometimes six weeks to get an appointment with her urologist”. He said: “Do they even think about how much more difficult it’s going to be to get an appointment with the urologist if there are a million more people competing for those same appointments?” So, we must fix it so that it allows the safety net to be intact for the most vulnerable people and give those who have the option to get private coverage to do so, so that they are not competing.
And then finally, I think that the states who want to expand the program need to guarantee that providers will be paid enough that they will be able to see a Medicaid patient. In some states like New Mexico that have a very high match rate, Medicaid pays at very close to Medicare rates. In other states, a doctor may be paid $5 or $7 for an office visit – not even enough to begin to cover expenses. Doctors want to take care of these patients, but they can only keep so many and keep the lights on and pay their own bills. So, we’ve got to be able to pay providers more and that’s the kind of leverage that I think that the states would be able to have if they were not so constrained by an avalanche of federal rules and all the “Mother May I?” waiver requests that they have to get to make any changes to their plan.
If they had more flexibility, then they could make sure that patients on the program today could actually find a doctor to see them and also make sure that those who may be in an expansion population have the option of coverage that looks more like the private insurance and the private marketplace so that it’s a track and a platform to private coverage rather than the cliff that Medicaid is today – either in or out. If you make $1 too much money then you’re out of Medicaid or $1 less and you’re in. It needs to be a smoother ramp to private coverage and there are a lot of ideas to do that, including giving people the option of basically taking their Medicaid allotment as a voucher to buy into private coverage. There are a lot of ideas out there to improve this program, but we need to remember that we’re doing it for the most vulnerable citizens who are on the program today, who have no place else to go, competing for a limited number of appointments with a shrinking number of doctors to actually get appointments.
We can do so much better and I think you’re going to see many more governors actually demanding those kinds of changes and that kind of flexibility in exchange for any expansion.

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