The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) recently announced the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI), a new $840 million effort over the 4 years to support 150,000 clinicians in sharing, adapting and further developing comprehensive quality improvement strategies.
Although the funding will go predominantly to physician groups in the outpatient setting, part of the grant consideration will be based on the physician group applicants’ ability to partner with community organizations.
The funding will depend on achieving certain quality measures, many of which are best achieved through partnering with community-based organizations. Unfortunately, there is no reference to area agencies on aging (AAAs) specifically. However, if AAA leadership can quickly curate ROI calculators for AAAs to appeal to the grant applicants, there is a good chance AAAs can see revenue through this grant mechanism similar to their success with a similar funding mechanism in Massachusetts.
While this funding does not explicitly cater to AAAs like other CMMI initiatives such as the Community Based Care Transitions Program (CCTP), the TCPI may be a productive way for AAAs to diversify their revenue streams over the next four years.

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