Innovations abound in care models, financial models, quality and CMS initiatives. Senior citizens are more tech-savvy than ever. All efforts are pointed towards the triple aim: healthy people, a great patient experience and cost containment.
IIR’s Medicare Congress, now including the D.U.A.L.S. Forum, taking place on February 10-12, 2014 in New Orleans, L.A., fully explores your potential of opportunities and valuable approaches to the challenges that we all face each day, with content that relates to your entire team.
• Two important topics will each have a full day of focus—the conversion of Medicare and Medicaid through Dual-Eligibles and star ratings, which is a driving force to the quality and care and revenue.
• The Keynote presentations will give insight into overarching trends and case studies from health plan executives with first-hand experience, featuring Gorman Health Group, Coca-Cola, and Peoples Health.
2014 will be my first opportunity to chair this event. When IIR asked me to participate, I said yes because I was eager to be amongst a group of people who have the most progressive ideas, cutting-edge information and a 360-degree view of Medicare and healthcare as a whole. I'm looking forward to talking with many of you and to hearing the amazing insights that dozens of speakers will discuss with us. I anticipate many inspirational conversations and ideas for action in your own organization. I invite you to visit the website and review the agenda.
I look forward to seeing you this February in New Orleans.
Deborah Gracey Principal, Health Management Associates
Chairperson, 2014 Medicare Congress
P.S. As a reader of this blog, you’ll receive 15% off of the standard rate when you use priority code XP1907BLOG to register. If you have any questions about the agenda or event, feel free to email Kate Devery at kdevery@iirusa.com.
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