Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Health Insurance Exchange Update: Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In the latest news regarding state’s health care exchanges, there is still uncertainty that looms over the Supreme Court decision of Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how to go about the possible exchanges. Some states are preparing for the possibility of the ACA being upheld in the Supreme Court. 

In California, The California Healthcare Foundation and a group of investors released a technical prototype and a road map for states and the federal government to create health insurance exchange. This new system is called the Enroll UX 2014 and it offers a blueprint for an online process for application, eligibility determination, enrollment and health plan selection. The Enroll UX 2014 can be customized by states to be the public face of their health insurance exchanges, according to Healthcare It News.

California is not the only state that is participating in Enroll UX 2014; Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Alabama decided to join in case of an upheld ruling from the nine justices this summer.

In Oregon, a survey was composed of small business backing the health insurance exchange. Oregon has put aside a health insurance exchange that would provide a marketplace through 2014, allowing consumers to compare cost according to Portland Business Journal. 

However, there are states that are not as eager to take the route of a California and company to prepare for the possibility of an upheld Supreme Court ruling. 

In Maine, State Republican Senators passed a bill that creates a network of licensed “navigators” to help the citizens of Maine in the tricky world of insurance. This bill will not take effect unless the Affordable Care Act is upheld. Some Republicans feel that with this bill, they can be protected if the government sets up an exchange, where as some Democrats feel that there will not be enough time to set up this complex system, according to the Morning Sentinel

This November, the Health Insurance Exchange Congress will be held November 13-14, 2012 in Chicago, IL.  Here, state officials and health plans with the only opportunity to come together to discuss PPACA and strategize on how to make this a successful opportunity for all.  As a reader of this blog, when you register to join us and mention code XP1710BLOG, you'll receive 15% off the standard rate!

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