The 18th Annual Medicaid Managed Care Congress which is taking place next week, May 17-19 in Baltimore, Maryland.
States and Plans Bending the Cost Curve Together Through Improved Quality, Operational Efficiency and Health IT Implementation. Join us and these companies at the Medicaid Managed Care Congress:
AARP * Alabama Children's Health Insurance Program * AmeriHealth Mercy * Aquarius Capital * Arizona Cost Containment System * Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care * Association for Community Affiliated Plans * Availity LLC * Avenir * Avesis Inc * Blue Care Network of Michigan * BMC Healthnet Plan * Bristol Myers Squibb * Broadthinking LLC * Brookings Institution * CalOptima * Care Management Technologies * CareSource * Centene Corporation * Children's Mercy Family Health Partners * ClearStone Solutions * Community Health Choice Inc * Cook Children's Health Plan * Council of State Governments * Data Niche Associates * DCA Solutions * Department of Health & Human Services * Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Department of Public Welfare Bureau * DMEnsion Benefit Management * Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield * Fallon Community Health Plan * Family Health Network * Forest Laboratories Inc * Genzyme Corporation * Government & External Affairs * Health Integrated Inc * Health Management Associates * Health Partners * Health Plan of San Mateo * HealthLeaders InterStudy * HM Strategies * HMS Permedion * Horizon New Jersey Health * Hudson Health Plan * Inspiris * Keystone Mercy Health Plan * Liberty Resources Inc * Mathematica Policy Research Inc * Maxim Health Services * Maximus Inc * MDwise Inc * Medicaid Health Plans of America * Medical Transportation Management * MedSolutions *
Merck & Company Inc * Metropolitan Jewish Health System * Molina Healthcare of Michigan * Molina Healthcare of Ohio Inc * Monroe Plan for Medical Care * Montgomery County Dept of Health & Human Services * Montgomery County Government * National Conference of State Legislature * NCQA * Neighborhood Health Plan of Massachusetts * Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island * New York State Dept of Health * New Hampshire Dept of Health & Human Services * Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation * Nurse Response * Opticare Managed Vision
Optimetra Inc * Oregon Evidence-Based Practice Center * Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare * PerformRx * Plasma Protein Therapeutics Associates * Preferred Care Partners * Prestige * RI Department of Human Services * SC Department of Health & Human Services * Sellers Dorsey * South Carolina Department of Health & Human Services * State of Indiana * State of Maryland Medicaid * Superior Healthplan Inc * Tejashrri Intermediateries Pvt Ltd * Texas Health & Human Services * The HSC Foundation * TMG Health Inc * UCare Minnesota * UnitedHealth Group * US Script * Virginia Premier Health Plan * Walgreens * WellCare Health Plans Inc * Wellpoint *
Visit the webpage to find out more about this year's event.
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