Don’t let your company fall behind. Join top executives from the following companies to take a tactical approach to developing and implementing a successful health insurance exchange. Make sure you reserve your spot today!
2012 Attending Companies:
A Health Care Market Research Service, Inc. * Aetna Inc. * Allergan Inc. * Amerigroup Corporation * Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. * Blue Cross Blue Shield * Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals * bswift * California Technology Agency * CareSource * Catholic Health Initiatives * Cognosante LLC * Colorado Health Benefit Exchange * D-Wise Technologies Inc. * Dynamic Healthcare Systems Inc. * EngagePoint * Governor Chris Gregoire’s Executive Policy Office * Health Alliance Medical Plans * Health Care For All * Health Connector Authority * HealthLeaders InterStudy * Health Management Associates * HealthPass New York * Highmark * Maryland Health Benefit Exchange * Massachusetts Health Insurance Connector * Mathematica Policy Research * Navigant * New England States Collaborative for Insurance Exchange Systems (NESCIES) * NCQA * Novo Nordisk * Office of Inspector General * OpenView Consulting * OptumInsight * Oregon Health Authority * Quality Health Strategies * Rosetta * State of Connecticut * State of Oregon * State of Rhode Island * State of Utah * Total Medical Management * UnitedHealthcare - Community and State* University of Massachusetts Medical School * University of Pennsylvania * UPMC Health Plan * US Army * Wakely Consulting * Wake Forest University Medical School * Walgreens